12 November 2020

"Specifying the GDPR: Member States perspectives" Series - Germany


One continent, one law’ is a motto that has been connected to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to emphasize its key role for overcoming the fragmentation of the European Union (EU) data protection landscape. Nevertheless, and despite the Regulation’s direct applicability across all EU Member States, a multitude of national laws already co-exist with its provisions, and a few more are expected. These national laws specify the GDPR rules, operationalize them, and potentially modulate them. They might, in some cases, also appear to contradict the GDPR, be in friction with other national approaches, and/or trigger questions about the exact applicable rules in certain scenarios.

The next event will review developments in Germany, while continuing a general discussion on how to apprehend national developments across Member States.

  • Gloria González Fuster (Research Professor at VUB) Chair
  • Orla Lynskey (Associate Professor of Law at London School of Economics, General rapporteur on Data Protection at the FIDE 2020 Congress)

  • Andreas Wiebe (Professor at Georg-August-University of Göttingen)

For further resources related to this event, please visit the Specifying the GDPR Resources Page.

Time: 12:30 - 14:00 (Brussels time)

12:30-12:35 Welcome by Gloria González Fuster

12:35-13:55 Presentation by Orla Lynskey

12:55-13:15 Presentation by Andreas Wiebe

13:15-14:00 discussion and Q&A

Venue: online. The platform, together with the link to attend the event, will be communicated to the registered participants in due course.

Registration: The event is free to attend but registration is required. Should you face any difficulties with the registration form, please send an e-mail to info@brusselsprivacyhub.eu

NB the event will take place from 12:30 to 14:00, please disregard any typos in the registration form below.

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